Metadata for Runway Safety System

Column NameBusiness NameDefinition
EVENT_IDEVENT IDThis is the unique identifier that links all of the tables for the event.

NOTE: Format is eight-character numeric.

EVENT_IDEVENT IDSystem Generated identifer enforcing uniqueness of records
RPRT_NBRREPORT NUMBERThe FAA assigned unique identifier for the incident.

NOTE: The format was changed in 1992; both the old and new formats are provided below.

FISCAL_YEARFISCAL YEARFiscal Year of the Event
EVENT_LCL_DATEEVENT DATEEvent date is based on local time. ATQA may show an incident based on UTC but for tracking purposes use local times only to identify the actual day of the event. Rationale: If an event occurred on Jun 30 and the UTC date used is Jul 1st the runway incursion number is entered in the month of Jun, actual date of occurrence. Month/Day/Year format: MM/DD/YYYY. Where MM equals the month number (Jan = 01, Feb = 02, etc.); DD equals the day of the month; and YYYY equals the year.
EVENT_UTC_DATEEVENT UTC DATEThe date the event occurred based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu Time (Z).
RPRT_NBRREPORT NUMBEREnter the report number that is filed on the OE/D, PD, and VPD form. The reports are in the Administrators Daily Alert Bulletin (ADAB) and also entered in ATQA by the facility or Service Center. Column "BJ" indicates when there is more than one type report filed for the same event. For example an OE is filed plus a PD.
EVENT_UTC_TIMEEVENT UTC TIMEThe time the incident occurred based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu Time (Z).

NOTE: Format is 24-hour clock.

EVENT_LCL_TIMEEVENT LOCAL TIMELThe local time the incident occurred.

NOTE: Format is 24-hour clock.

INCDNT_TYPE_FAA_CODEFAA INCIDENT TYPE CODEEnter the appropriate two or three letter identifier in this column. OE = Operational Error. OD = Operational Deviation. PD = Pilot Deviation. V/PD = Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviation. Other = OTH. OTH is used when an event does not meet the OE/OD, PD, or VPD criteria.
LOC_CITY_NAMELOCATION CITY NAMEThe name of the nearest city/town to the location of the incident.
RPRT_RCVD_DATEREPORT RECEIVED DATEActual date the report is received by AJS-4 from ADAB or other source such as from a regional POC. Month/Day/Year format: MM/DD/YYYY. Where MM equals the month number (Jan = 01, Feb = 02, etc.); DD equals the day of the month; and YYYY equals the year.
RPRT_CLSFD_DATEREPORT CLOSED DATEDate the event is classified as a surface event or runway incursion by AJS-4. Month/Day/Year format: MM/DD/YYYY. Where MM equals the month number (Jan = 01, Feb = 02, etc.); DD equals the day of the month; and YYYY equals the year.
LOC_CITY_NAME_STDASIAS STANDARD LOCATION CITY NAMEThe standardized name of the nearest city/town to the location of the incident.
LOC_STATE_CODELOCATION STATE CODEThe code for the state, territory, or foreign location where the event occurred. See Business Rules below for the U.S. code standards and Foreign codes and descriptions.
RWY_SFTY_RI_FLGRUNWAY INCURSION FLAGEnter the appropriate letter. "Y" if the incident meets the definition of a Runway Incursion. "N" if the incident does not meet the definition of a Runway Incursion. "U" if the event is undetermined and awaiting additional information, column "E" "date incdt clsfd RI-SI" is left blank until a determination is made. The statement "meets the definition of a Runway Incursion refers to the RI definition in force at the time of the incident. On 1 October 2007 the FAA implemented the ICAO definition of a runway incursion.
LOC_STATE_CODE_STDASIAS STANDARD STATE CODEThe ASIAS standardized code for the state, territory, or foreign location where the event occurred. See Business Rules below for the U.S. code standards and Foreign codes and descriptions.
RWY_SFTY_RI_CAT_RNK_CODERI CATEGORY RANKINGEnter the appropriate letter determined by the assessment panel. "A" (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). "B" (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). "C" (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). "D" (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). "E" (this event is an RI, but there is not enough information to assess. "P" (pending severity assessment). "S" (not an RI, but a surface incident for which severity is not assessed).
LOC_ARPT_CODELOCATION AIRPORT CODEThe code for the airport where the event occurred (if applicable).

NOTE: Format is three or four alpha or alpha-numeric characters.

EVENT_ARPT_IDEVENT AIRPORT IDThree letter airport identifier. When the three letter ID is shaded grey (excel file format only) it depicts a conflict less than a mile and an airport diagram (PDF) is required for the assessment process.
LOC_ARPT_NAME_STDASIAS STANDARD LOCATION AIRPORT NAMEThe ASIAS standardized airport name where the incident occurred (if applicable).
LOC_NAV_FAC_CODELOCATION NAVIGATION FACILITY CODEThe VOR, TACAN, or NDB Identifier used as a reference point to help describe the incident location.

NOTE: Format is three alpha or alpha-numeric characters.

LOC_INTXN_ID_CODELOCATION INTERSECTION ID CODEThe airway intersection identifier used as a reference point to help describe the incident location.

NOTE: Format is five alpha characters.

ACFT_1_ID_DESCAIRCRAFT 1 IDENTIFERAircraft call sign. N/R = call sign not reported. N/A = no aircraft involved. In the case of PD, AC1 is the aircraft causing the incident. In the case of V/PD, AC1 is the aircraft affected. In the case of an OE/OD, AC1 and AC2 is reported as it was entered on the OE/OD report forms.
LOC_OCEANIC_FLAGLOCATION OCEANIC FLAGThe code indicating whether the event occurred in oceanic airspace.
ACFT_1_RWY_SFTY_TYPEAIRCRAFT 1 TYPETypes as defined in FAAH 7110.65 Appendix 1-2-3
RPRT_STATUS_CODEREPORT STATUS FLAGThe status of the report (Final or Preliminary).
ACFT_1_RWY_SFTY_CATAIRCRAFT 1 CATEGORYAircraft category as defined in FAAH 7110.65 Appendix 1-2-3.
EVENT_EVAL_CODEEVENT EVALUATON CODEThe hazard evalutation code for the incident. See Business Rules below for codes, descriptions, and definitions.
ACFT_2_ID_DESCAIRCRAFT 2 IDENTIFIERAircraft call sign. N/R = call sign not reported. N/A = no aircraft involved. In the case of PD, AC1 is the aircraft causing the incident. In the case of V/PD, AC1 is the aircraft affected. In the case of an OE/OD, AC1 and AC2 is reported as it was entered on the OE/OD report forms.
EVENT_EVAL_DESCEVENT EVALUATION DESCRIPTIONThe hazard evalutation for the incident. See Business Rules below for valid field values and definitions.
ACFT_2_RWY_SFTY_TYPEAIRCRAFT 2 TYPETypes as defined in FAAH 7110.65 Appendix 1-2-3
SEPN_SLANT_FT_QTYSEPERATION SLANT FEET QUANTITYThe diagonal separation between the aircraft (in feet).
ACFT_2_RWY_SFTY_CATAIRCRAFT 2 CATEGORYAircraft category as defined in FAAH 7110.65 Appendix 1-2-3.
ACFT_1_FLTCNDT_CODEAIRCRAFT 1 FLIGHT CONDUCT CODETracking of PD events to determine under what FAR the pilot causing the error was operating under. (1) UNK = Unknown. (2) 121 = aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 121. (3) 129 = aircraft operated under pt 129. (4) 135 = aircraft operated under pt 135. (5) 91 = aircraft operated under pt 91. (6) 125 = aircraft operated under pt 125. (7) MIL = military aircraft.
SEPN_VER_FT_QTYSEPERATION VERTICAL FEET QUANTITYThe vertical separation between the aircraft (in feet).
ACFT_2_FLTCNDT_CODEAIRCRAFT 2 FLIGHT CONDUCT CODETracking of PD events to determine under what FAR the pilot causing the error was operating under. (1) UNK = Unknown. (2) 121 = aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 121. (3) 129 = aircraft operated under pt 129. (4) 135 = aircraft operated under pt 135. (5) 91 = aircraft operated under pt 91. (6) 125 = aircraft operated under pt 125. (7) MIL = military aircraft.
SEPN_LONG_MIN_QTYSEPERATION LONGITUDINAL MINUTES QUANTITYThe number of longitudinal minutes of separation between the aircraft.
RWY_SFTY_NARRATIVESAFETY OFFICE NARRATIVEThe preliminary summary of an event that is redacted of call signs and personal information from the original narrative. When the report is final and there is additional information that is pertinent, then those comments will be added to the narrative.
SEPN_HRZNTL_FT_QTYSEPERATION HORIZONTAL FEET QUANTITYThe horizontal separation between the aircraft (in feet).
RPRT_STATUS_DESCREPORT STATUSTracking of when reports are preliminary and final. This is key to finalizing the data and the runway incursion numbers by mid December of each year for the prior FY.
FAC_RPRT_LOC_ID_CODEFACILITY REPORTING LOCATION ID CODEThe identifier for the facility reporting the event.

NOTE: Format is three alpha or alpha-numeric characters per FAA Handbook 7350.6, Location Identifiers.

LOC_LONG_DEG_QTYLOCATION LONGITUDE DEGREES QUANTITYThe location of the NMAC in longitudinal degrees.

NOTE: This field is only used if the LOC OCEANIC FLAG field is Y (Yes), otherwise this field is left blank.

EVENT_STATE_CODEEVENT STATE CODEUse two letter postal code
LOC_DRCTN_DEGM_QTYLOCATION DIRECTION DEGREES MINUTES QUANTITYThe bearing (in degrees) from the NMAC to the fix or facility (found under one of the following fields: LOC NAV FAC CODE, LOC APRT CODE, or LOC INTXN ID CODE).

NOTE: The fields LOC DSTC NM QTY and LOC DRCTN DEGM QTY together will make polar coordinate

WX_VMC_FLGVMC FLAGIdentifies if weather was VMC at time of the event. Y (VMC), N = No
WX_COND_DESCWEATHER CONDITIONReported weather at time of the event using a format of: visibility, cloud layers, wind direction and speed and any obstructions to weather. (10 SM FEW030 BKN045 20010G12KT)
FAC_RPRT_RGN_CODEFACILITY REPORTING REGION CODEThe code for the FAA region where the event occurred.
EVENT_DAY_FLGDAYTIME FLAGDid event occur during daylight hrs? Y = Yes (Day), N = No, UNK= Unknown
EVENT_LCL_TIMEEVENT TIMEThe local time when the event occurred.
LOC_AIR_SFC_DESC1LOCATION AIR SURFACE DESCRIPTION 1Indicates whether the first aircraft involved in the event was in the air or on/near the surface (i.e., landing, takeoff, or ground).

NOTE: This field value is extracted from the narrative by the data e

VEH_ARPT_EMP_FLGAIRPORT VEHICLE FLAGTracking events when an airport vehicle/personnel caused or was involved. Y = Yes, airport personnel or vehicle certified to be operated on the airfield. N = No. Default answer is No.
LOC_AIR_SFC_DESC2LOCATION AIR SURFACE DESCRIPTION 2Indicates whether the second aircraft involved in the event was in the air or on/near the surface (i.e., landing, takeoff, or ground).

NOTE: This field value is extracted from the narrative by the data

VEH_PRVT_CITZ_FLGPRIVATE CITIZEN FLAGTracking events when a private citizen/POV not authorized on the airfield caused or was involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
OPRTR_NAME1OPERATOR NAME 1The name of the operator of the first aircraft.

NOTE: The operator is the individual, firm, or airline that causes the aircraft to be scheduled, moved, or dispatched.

LAW_ENFRCMNT_INVLD_FLGLAW ENFORCEMENT INVLD FLAGTracking events when law enforcement vehicle/personnel caused or were involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
OPRTR_NAME2OPERATOR NAME 2The name of the operator of the second aircraft.

NOTE: The operator is the individual, firm, or airline that causes the aircraft to be scheduled, moved, or dispatched.

ACFT_MAINT_TAXI_INVLD_FLGAIRCRAFT MAINT TAXI INVLD FLAGTracking events by aircraft mechanics licensed to taxi aircraft that caused or were involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
OPRTR_NSDC_NAME_STD1ASIAS STANDARD OPERATOR NAME 1The ASIAS standard for the name of the operator of the first aircraft.
FAA_AF_EMP_INVLD_FLGFAA AF EMP INVLD FLAGTracking events when an AF (TECH OPS) employee caused or was involved in an event. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
OPRTR_NSDC_NAME_STD2ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT OPERATOR NAMEThe ASIAS standard for the name of the operator of the second aircraft.
OPRTR_CO_DESIG_CODE1OPERATOR CODE DESIGNATOR CODE 1The code for the operator of the first aircraft.

NOTE: This field is not standardized. Format is usually 3-4 apha or alpha-numeric characters.

ACFT_NSDC_MAKE_STD1ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT MAKE 1ASIAS's standardized name for the make (manufacturer) of the first aircraft involved in the event. .
CNSTRCT_PRSNL_INVLD_FLGCNSTRCT PRSNL INVLDTracking events when construction personnel/equipment caused or were involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
TUG_PRSNL_INVLD_FLGTUG PRSNL INVLDTracking events when a tug driver caused or was involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
ACFT_NSDC_MODEL_STD1ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT MODEL 1ASIAS's standardized model description of the first aircraft involved in the event.
VEH_SNOW_RMVL_FLGSNOW RMVL VEH INVLD FLAGTracking events when snow removal vehicles/personnel caused or were involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
ACFT_NSDC_SERIES_STD1ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT SERIES 1ASIAS's standardized series description of the first aircraft involved in the event.
STDNT_PLT_INVLVD_FLGSTDNT PLT INVLD FLAGTracking events when a student pilot caused or was involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
ACFT_MKMD_MAKE_DESC1ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT MODEL NAMEThe make (manufacturer) name of the first aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: This is not a standardized field.

FRGN_ACFT_PLT_INVLD_FLGFRGN PLT INVLD FLAGTracking events when foreign aircraft or pilot caused or was involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
ACFT_MKMD_MODEL_DESC1AIRCRAFT MAKE MODEL DESCRIPTIONThe model description of the first aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: This is not a standardized field.

CNSTRCTN_INVLD_FLGCNSTRCTN INVLD FLAGTracking events when construction on or near a runway or taxiway caused or was involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
OPRTR_TYPE_CODE1OPERATOR TYPE CODE 1The code for the business nature and/or purpose of the flight and the corresponding Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) that apply to the first aircraft.
OPRTR_TYPE_DESC1OPERATOR TYPE DESCRIPTION 1The business nature and/or purpose of the flight and the corresponding Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) that apply to the first aircraft.
CTLR_TRNG_INVLD_FLGCTLR TRNG INVLD FLAGTracking events when training was in progress on the specific position that caused or was involved. Y = Yes. N = No. Default answer is No.
ACFT_TYPE_CODE1AIRCRAFT TYPE CODE 1The code for the aircraft type of the first aircraft involved in the NMAC.
OES_CMBND_PSTNSOES COMB POSITIONSTracking events when ATCT control positions were combined which could of caused or been a factor. Y = Yes. N = No. UNK = If it is not unknown if positions were combined.
ACFT_TYPE_DESC1AIRCRAFT TYPE DESCRIPTION 1The aircraft type of the first aircraft involved in the NMAC.
HLD_SHRT_INTRCTN_FLGHLD SHRT INTRCTN FLAGTracking events when ATCT issues the pilot/vehicle operator/pedestrian instructions to hold short of a specific taxiway or runway.
HLD_SHRT_RDBK_FLGHLD SHRT RDBCK FLAGTracking events when pilot/vehicle operator/pedestrian read back specific hold short instructions. Y = Yes. N = No.
ACFT_RGSTRTN_NBR1AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION NUMBER 1The registration number (tail number or 'N' number) of the first aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: U.S. registry starts with "N". For other countries, see FAA Handbook 7340-1, Chapters 1 and 4.

HLD_SHRT_CRSD_DESCHLD SHRT CRSD DESCTracking events of where, specific taxiway or point in the runway safety area (RSA) when reported, the aircraft/vehicle/pedestrian crossed a hold line only and did not enter the runway. If unknown use = UNK
ACFT_ALT_FT_QTY1AIRCRAFT ALTITUDE FEET QUANTITY 1Altitude of the first aircraft when the NMAC occurred (in feet above mean sea level (MSL)).
RWY_ENTERED_DESCRWY ENTERED DESCTracking events of what specific runway, when reported, the aircraft/vehicle/pedestrian entered. If unknown use = UNK
ACFT_SIGHTD_SEC_QTY1AIRCRAFT SIGHTED SECONDS QUANTITY 1The time (in seconds) that the opposing aircraft was in sight before the closest separation, which gives an idea of how much time the pilot of the first aircraft had to attempt to avoid the NMAC.
RWY_TWY_CRSD_DESCRWY TWY CRSD DESCTracking events of what runway or taxiway an aircraft/vehicle/pedestrian crossed.
ACFT_RULE_FLT_CODE1AIRCRAFT FLIGHT RULE CODE 1The code for the type of flight rules that applied to the first aircraft's flight planning and conduct of flight.
TIPH_DESCTIPH DESCOn 30 Sept 2010 phraseology changed to "line up and wait" (LUAW). This column is only populated when that specific instruction was issued. Y = Yes. Left blank otherwise.
ACFT_RULE_FLT_DESC1AIRCRAFT FLIGHT RULE DESCRIPTION 1The type of flight rules that applied to the first aircraft's flight planning and conduct of flight.
TIPH_TWOC_FLGTIPH TWOC FLAGThis column is only populated when that specific LUAW instruction was issued and aircraft departed without clearance. Y = Yes. Left blank otherwise.
PHASE_OF_FLIGHT1PHASE OF FLIGHT 1Indicates the phase of flight the first aircraft was in at the time of the NMAC.

NOTE: The format for this field is free-form text.

FLT_PHASE_DESCFLIGHT PHASE DESCPhase of flight: (1) if two aircraft involved, then the phase of flight for both aircraft, where the order of the aircraft is same order as Column Q (and Columns K and N). Possible answers are T/O = takeoff, LNDG = landing, = TX = Taxi. If there was only one aircraft involved, then only one phase of flight is reported. (2) NA = no aircraft involved. (3) NR = no phase of flight reported or phase of flight unknown.
OPRTR_CO_DESIG_CODE2OPERATOR CODE DESIGNATOR CODE 2The code for the operator of the second aircraft. See Business Rules for examples.

NOTE: This field is not standardized. Format is usually 3-4 apha or alpha-numeric characters.

EVENT_TKOF_LNDG_DESCEVENT TKOF LNDG DESC(1) Landing or Departure Runway number event though an aircraft may inadvertently land or depart from a taxiway. (2) UNK = applies to cases where the runway was unknown. N/A to cases where runway is not applicable such as in a case of a helicopter departing from a ramp or helipad.
ACFT_NSDC_MAKE_STD2ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT MAKE 2ASIAS's standardized name for the make (manufacturer) of the second aircraft involved in the event. .
LAHSO_FLGLAHSO FLAGDid the event occur during Land and hold short operations (LAHSO)? Y = Yes. N = No or not applicable. Default answer is "N"
ACFT_NSDC_MODEL_STD2ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT MODEL 2ASIAS's standardized model description of the second aircraft involved in the event.
ACFT_NSDC_SERIES_STD2ASIAS STANDARD AIRCRAFT SERIES 2ASIAS's standardized series description of the second aircraft involved in the event.
ACFT_MKMD_MAKE_DESC2AIRCRAFT MAKE MODEL DESCRIPTION 2The make (manufacturer) name of the second aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: This is not a standardized field.

WO_CLRNC_FLGWO CLRNC FLAG(1) Y = Yes. (2) N = No or not applicable. Default answer is "N"
ARPT_CLSD_RWY_TWY_FLGCLSD RWY TWY FLAG(1) Y = Yes. (2) N = No or not applicable. Default answer is "N"
ACFT_MKMD_MODEL_DESC2AIRCRAFT MAKE MODEL DESCRIPTION 2The model description of the second aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: This is not a standardized field.

OPRTR_TYPE_CODE2OPERATOR TYPE CODE 2The code for the business nature and/or purpose of the flight and the corresponding Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) that apply to the second aircraft.
EVENT_FAR_CODEEVENT FAR CODETracking of PD events to determine under what FAR the pilot causing the error was operating under. (1) UNK = Unknown. (2) 121 = aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 121. (3) 129 = aircraft operated under pt 129. (4) 135 = aircraft operated under pt 135. (5) 91 = aircraft operated under pt 91. (6) 125 = aircraft operated under pt 125. (7) MIL = military aircraft.
FAA_SRVC_AREA_DESCFAA SRVC AREA DESCTracking events by the three service areas. (1) EAST = Eastern Service Area. (2) CENTRAL = Central Service Area. (3) WEST = Western Service Area.
OPRTR_TYPE_DESC2OPERATOR TYPE DESCRIPTION 2The business nature and/or purpose of the flight and the corresponding Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) that apply to the second aircraft.
RWSL_EQUIPRWSL EQUIPTracking events at airports equip with Runway Status Lights (RWSL). 1. Yes 2. No 3. Pending = P
ACFT_TYPE_CODE2AIRCRAFT TYPE CODE 2The code for the aircraft type of the second aircraft involved in the NMAC.
COLLISIONCOLLISONTracking of collision events on a runway, runway safety area (RSA), or movement area. 1. Yes. 2. No
ACFT_TYPE_DESC2AIRCRAFT TYPE DESCRIPTION 2The aircraft type of the second aircraft involved in the NMAC.
EVENT_HRZ_DSTNC_DESCEVENT HRZ DSTNC DESCThe distance reported as closest proximity between aircraft, aircraft and a vehicle/pedestrian. (1) Reported in feet when both are on a runway or RSA. (2) Reported in statute miles (with SM notation) when aircraft are issued go around or are airborne when the go around occurs.
ACFT_RGSTRTN_NBR2AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION NUMBER 2The registration number (tail number or 'N' number) of the second aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: U.S. registry starts with "N". For other countries, see FAA Handbook 7340-1, Chapters 1 and 4.

EVENT_VRT_DSTNC_DESCEVENT VRT DSTNC DESCDistance reported on a flyover or an altitude as the aircraft passes the position of the other aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian. N/A = does not apply. UNK = Unknown.
ACFT_ALT_FT_QTY2AIRCRAFT ALTITUDE FEET QUANTITY 2The altitude (in feet above mean sea level (MSL)) of the second aircraft when the NMAC occurred.
ARPT_VPDS_ATHRTY_FLGARPT VPDS ATHRTY FLAGWas vehicle or personnel authorized to be on the airport movement area. 1. Yes = Y. 2. No = N.
ACFT_SIGHTD_SEC_QTY2AIRCRAFT SIGHTED SECONDS 2The time (in seconds) that the opposing aircraft was in sight before the closest separation, which gives an idea of how much time the pilot of the second aircraft had to attempt to avoid the NMAC.
TAXI_IN_FLGTAXI IN FLAGTracking events during the landing phase. This includes aircraft landing without a clearance. 1. Yes = Y. 2. No = N.
ACFT_RULE_FLT_CODE2AIRCRAFT FLIGHT RULE CODE 2The code for the type of flight rules that applied to the second aircraft's flight planning and conduct of flight.
TAXI_OUT_FLGTAXI OUT FLAGTracking events during the taxiing out for departure phase. This includes aircraft that taxi out and depart without clearance. 1. Yes = Y. 2. No = N.
ACFT_RULE_FLT_DESC2AIRCRAFT FLIGHT RULE DESCRIPTION 2The type of flight rules that applied to the first aircraft's flight planning and conduct of flight.
PHASE_OF_FLIGHT2PHASE OF FLIGHT 2Indicates the phase of flight the second aircraft was in at the time of the NMAC. See Business Rules for examples.

NOTE: The format for this field is free-form text.

INTRSCT_RWY_DPTR_ARVL_FLGINTRSCT RWY DPTR ARVL FLAGTracking events that occurred on intersecting runways regardless of it being an arrival or departure at the time. 1. Yes = Y. 2. No = N.
RWY_SFTY_ASMNT_RMKRRUNWAY SAFETY ASSESSMNETComments by RI Assessment Panel members, RISC model issues, and reviewed by HQ RSP staff on determination/concur/non-concur of reclassified surface events.
ACFT_INVLVD_QTYAIRCRAFT INVOLVED QUANTITYThe number of aircraft involved in the NMAC.
DUP_RPRT_RFRNCDUP REPORT RFRNCEnter the report number on surface events that have more than one report filed. The RI is attributed to the report number and type event in column B and C. Otherwise the filed is blank.
RMK_TYPE_CODEREMARK TYPE CODEIndicates the origin of the narrative or comments/remarks found in the RMK TEXT field.
ARPT_139_FLGPART 139 AIRPORTTracking of PART 139 STATUS - PT 139 if the airport is a 139 airport. No = the airport is not part 139. This status is available at under airports in excel file format.
ARPT_FAA_FCT_TWR_CODEFAA FCT TOWER FLAGFAA = if an FAA Tower, FCT = if an Federal Contract Tower
ERR_TYPE_CODEERROR TYPE CODEThese codes are used for internal analysis of type errors that occur and are not causal factors. A separate spreadsheet is maintained for this purpose.
EVENT_DOW_CODEDAY OF WEEK CODEUsed for internal analysis and to facilitate day of the week queries. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat
EVENT_MONTH_CODEMONTH CODEUsed for internal analysis and to facilitate monthly queries. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
WX_MET_COND_CODEWEATHER MET CONDITION CODEThe code for the weather condition at the time of the NMAC.

NOTE: Based on the pilot(s) report(s) of conditions as well as official weather observations when available.

ARPT_OEP_35_FLGCORE 30 (OEP 35) AIRPORTSTracking of events at FAA identified Core 30 airports that came info effect in 2011. The Core 30 were part of the OEP 35 and for historical purposes the OEP airports will be maintained.

NOTE: Based on the pilot(s) report(s) of conditions as well as official weather observations when available.

RWY_SFTY_PDF_ASSMNT_FLGARPT DIAGRAM ASSMT REQY = Yes. When an airport diagram is required to evaluate and assess a runway incursion (RI). Normally required for potential A-C rankings. Otherwise left blank.
RWY_SFTY_TRFC_MIX_CODETRFC MIX CODEThis columns was added on 1 October 2005. Internal use to show who is involved in an event that simplifies queries using the traffic mix column.
HOT_SPOT_EVENTHOT SPOT EVENT FLAGStarting in FY11, tracking of events that occurred at a specific hot spot identified on an airport diagram. The parameter is that the aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian entered the hot spot area without authorization. "Y" - yes, "N" - no, "NOT AVL" - indicates that this information was not tracked prior to 1 Oct 2010. The airport diagrams changed numerous times during a specified year with hot spots being added/deleted thus the event could not be verified as to whether there was a hot spot violation or not.
ADSB_EQUIPADSB EQUIPPlace holder for the future on tracking events with ADSB in placed and used for runway safety purposes.
RWY_SFTY_RISK_SCNRIO_CODERISC SCENERIO NBRScenario code used in RISC model - This model was first tested in October 2005 but originally the scenario code was not available.
WX_VIS_CODEWEATHER VISIBILTIY CODEThe code for the visibility at flight altitude during the NMAC.
RWY_SFTY_RISK_RNK_CODERISK ASSMNT RANKINGThis model was first tested in October 2005 and the category ranking is not available prior to this date. Ranking determined by the RISC model based on the facts entered to include the scenario number in previous column. (1) A (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). (2) B (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). (3) C (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). (4) D (refers to the severity definition in force at the time of the incident). (5) E (this event is an RI, but there is not enough information to assess. (6) P (pending severity assessment). (7) S (not an RI, but a surface incident for which severity is not assessed).
IN_ATQAIN ATQA FLAGY = Yes. N = No. Administrative tracking of surface reports in ATQA. Used to validate the events in runway safety database and what is in ATQA.
WX_VIS_DESCWEATHER VISIBILITY DESCRIPTIONThe visibility at flight altitude during the NMAC.
ARPT_IDAIRPORT IDDuplicate of column H and tied to column BX for Original Narrative.
FLIGHT_CONDITIONSFLIGHT CONDITIONSIndicates the type of flight condition at the time of the NMAC.

NOTE: This field is free-form text.

ORIGINAL_NARRATIVEORIGNAL NARRATIVEOriginal event narrative from the ATO Daily Event Report that includes call signs.
WX_SKY_CODEWEATHER SKY CODEThe code for the sky cover at flight altitude during the NMAC.
WX_SKY_DESCWEATHER SKY DESCRIPTIONThe code for the sky cover at flight altitude during the NMAC.
ICAO_STDS_RI_FLGMEETS ICAO RI STNDS FLAGFAA transitioned to the ICAO RI standard on 1 Oct 2007 and established specific criteria of what met a runway incursion at all FAA/FCT towered airports. FAA RI's prior to that date are official runway incursions per the previous FAA criteria of an aircraft/vehicle/pedestrian unauthorized on a runway or in the runway safety area (RSA) as identified for each specific airport. This include any violation of a hold line that protected a runway surface. One or more of the violaters had to be on the runway surface, across the hold short line or in the RSA to be considered a surface event to include loss of separation on a runway. In addition the previous FAA RI criteria specified that if an aircraft was less than a mile from landing and an aircraft, vehicle or pedestrian violated the protected landing surface then it was considered a runway incursion. This also included loss of separation on a runway. If there were no other aircraft involved or the landing aircraft was one mile or mile from landing then it was considered a surface event and not an RI. The surface event database was populated with this column in 2001 for FY01-07 so as to provide senior leadership the amount of events that would meet the ICAO RI standard if it were implemented. The ICAO numbers for FY2001-2007 are prior to FAA implementation on 1 October 2007 and is included for analytical purposes only and is not to be misconstrued as actual FAA RI’s. The category rankings given in FAA briefings are base on converting the FY01-07 Category D's to "C" and adding them to the "C" totals. The other events that were not RI's prior to 1 Oct 07 but met the ICAO RI standard were converted to Category "D" events. The Category A/B remained the same.
FAC_ATC_DESC1FACILITY ATC DESCRIPTION 1The ATC facility in control of the first aircraft involved in the NMAC.
FAC_ATC_DESC2FACILITY ATC DESCRIPTION 2The ATC facility in control of the second aircraft involved in the NMAC.
ACFT_CTL_DESC1AIRCRAFT CONTROL DESCRIPTION 1Describes the operational control area (airspace) of the first aircraft at the time of the NMAC.
ACFT_CTL_DESC2AIRCRAFT CONTROL DESCRIPTION 2Describes the operational control area (airspace) of the second aircraft at the time of the NMAC.

NOTE: This field is used only if the operational control area of the second aircraft is different from the first aircraft.

ACFT_HDG_DEGM_QTY1AIRCRAFT HEADING DEGREES MINUTES QUANTITY 1The direction, in degrees magnetic (i.e., 0-359), that the first aircraft was heading at the time of the NMAC.
ACFT_HDG_DEGM_QTY2AIRCRAFT HEADING DEGREES MINUTES QUANTITY 2The direction, in degrees magnetic (i.e., 0-359), that the second aircraft was heading at the time of the NMAC.
ACFT_IAS_KT_QTY1AIRCRAFT AIRSPEED KNOTS QUANTITY 1The airspeed, in knots, as indicated on the first aircraft's airspeed indicator at the time of the NMAC.
ACFT_IAS_KT_QTY2AIRCRAFT AIRSPEED KNOTS QUANTITY 2The airspeed, in knots, as indicated on the second aircraft's airspeed indicator at the time of the NMAC.
OPRTR_MIL_BRANCH_CODE1OPERATOR MILITARY BRANCH CODE 1The code for the branch of service, if a military operator, of the first aircraft.

NOTE: This field is left blank if the aircraft is not military.

OPRTR_MIL_BRANCH_CODE2OPERATOR MILITARY BRANCH CODE 2The code for the branch of service, if a military operator, of the second aircraft.

NOTE: This field is left blank if the aircraft is not military.

OPRTR_MIL_BRANCH_DESC1OPERATOR MILITARY BRANCH DESCRIPTION 1The branch of service, if a military operator, of the first aircraft.

NOTE: This field is left blank if the aircraft is not military.

OPRTR_MIL_BRANCH_DESC2OPERATOR MILITARY BRANCH DESCRIPTION 2The branch of service, if a military operator, of the first aircraft.

NOTE: This field is left blank if the aircraft is not military.

PLT_TOTAL_HR_QTY1PILOT TOTAL HOURS QUANTITY 1The total flight time, in whole hours, of the pilot of the first aircraft.
PLT_TOTAL_HR_QTY2PILOT TOTAL HOURS QUANTITY 2The total flight time, in whole hours, of the pilot of the second aircraft.
PLT_MKMD_HR_QTY1PILOT MAKE MODEL HOURS QUANTITY 1The flight time, in whole hours, of pilot of the first aircraft in the same make and model aircraft involved in the NMAC.
PLT_MKMD_HR_QTY2PILOT MAKE MODEL HOURS QUANTITY 2The flight time, in whole hours, of pilot of the second aircraft in the same make and model aircraft involved in the NMAC.
PILOT_CERT_DESC1PILOT CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION 1Indicates the type of certificate held by the pilot of the first aircraft.
PILOT_CERT_DESC2PILOT CERTIFICATION DESCTIPTION 2Indicates the type of certificate held by the pilot of the second aircraft.
PILOT_RATING_DESC1PILOT RATING DESCRIPTION 1Indicates the type of rating held by the pilot of the first aircraft.
PILOT_RATING_DESC2PILOT RATING DESCRIPTION 2Indicates the type of rating held by the pilot of the second aircraft.
ACFT_TRNSPNDR_CODE1AIRCRAFT TRANSPONDER CODE 1The code indicating information about the transponder of the first aircraft.

NOTE: A transponder is the airborne radar beacon transmitter/receiver portion of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Sys

ACFT_TRNSPNDR_CODE2AIRCRAFT TRANSPONDER CODE 2The code indicating information about the transponder of the second aircraft.

NOTE: A transponder is the airborne radar beacon transmitter/receiver portion of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System

ACFT_TRNSPNDR_DESC1AIRCRAFT TRANSPONDER DESCRIPTION 1Information about the transponder of the first aircraft.

NOTE: A transponder is the airborne radar beacon transmitter/receiver portion of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) located

ACFT_TRNSPNDR_DESC2AIRCRAFT TRANSPONDER DESCRIPTION 2Information about the transponder of the second aircraft.

NOTE: A transponder is the airborne radar beacon transmitter/receiver portion of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) located on